Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Club Penguin: #WaddleOn - Episode 3

Hey world , how are you? I really hope everyone is fine. Well this is the most recently episode of #WaddleOn well I really like it , I mean is so funny , my favorite part is when a penguin wants something to eat and then he says that he is not an earthling and then he eats pie , that secene is really fun and what´s your favorite part of the video? Hope you really like these episodes! Waddle On!!

Club Penguin: #WaddleOn - Episode 2

Hello guys , as I said on the last post I know that this second episode of #WaddleOn it´s already old but not that old , and if you haven´t seen it , here you go! I really like this idea , yes the idea of making funny episodes of what really happens in Clubpenguin it´s so cool and funny. Hope you like it , Waddle On!

Club Penguin: #WaddleOn - Episode 1

Hey everyobody I know this first episode of #WaddleOn it´s already kind of old but I didn´t knew that Clubpenguin is making episodes to make you laugh and it´s really cool , if you haven´t seen it , here is for you. Hope you like it! Waddle On!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Exploring the Tatooine Planet!

Hey guys , well i`m exploring the Tatooine planet , it`s very dry in this planet , by the way in here you can see that most of the scenes were filmed on this planet , aslo we can see that our hero was bron in a little house located on the Tatoone planet. I really like this Star Wars Takeover , remember have fun , enjoy the battles and defeat the dark side! Waddle On!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Star Wars Takeover!

Hello everyone , hey sorry for not posting last days , i`m having less time to play Cubpenguin , why? because now i`m in High school and i`ll have more homework , more essays and i`ll have less time to post and to play , but I won`t quit , so maybe i`m not posting in days but as soon as I have break time I`ll post. Now we have the Star Wars Takeover , that`s really cool , I like battleling , i`m battleling dark side and what about you? well we are having different events every week so let`s be ready for the battle. You can win duels if you have a battle with someone else , then go to the Tatooine planet , there you can play to a game called "Defeat Sormtroopers" and you can win points to unlock different stuff. Hope you are having a nice day. Remember defeat the dark side. Waddle On!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Payday July1st!

Hello everyone , well today is Monday July 1st of 2013 and we know that every 1st of a month clubpenguin pay for hard work , but for who? well only for Agents and Tourists. How can I be both? well it´s very easy just Click Here and then you will learn how to be a tourist and if you want to be an agent well right now you can´t because clubpenguin is remodeleating the Elite Penguin Force (Epf) , so just wait , be pacient , this is not taking too long. Waddle On!