Sunday, May 17, 2015

"I'm old"

Hey guys, I know it's been almost a year since my last post , but you know i'm getting really busy right now but I also wanted to stay updated so well , like the title says "I'm old" it's true not only on my private life , because i'm seventeen so i'm not that old but i'm now a grown up talking about that tomorrow is my photoshoot of senior year i'm so excited , but what I really wanted to prove about the title is the amount of days i've created my penguin (Stan1ley). Stan1ley is 2052 days old so I made some math here and I calculated that my penguin is 5.7 years old, how amazing right? I mean I remember begging my dad to let me create a penguin in a virtual world , I begged him all week until he said yes, that moment was the best, but the a curious FACT is that Stan1ley isn`t my first penguin, my first penguin I created was Tho34mas21 and obviously is older than Stan1ley but I had problems with that account so I decided to create another one and sadly shut it down, and this other penguin it would last forever, that`s my mission, so i'm not online most of the time but I want you to know guys that i´m not leaving Cp soon , so don´t worry if you don't see me that often , if I have time like today i'll be waddling around so thanks for all these years and all these incredibles moments I had and also want to thank to all my friends that I made in 2010 they were the best , some of them are: Icequix , Ocean6100, Mountain717, Saraapril and my bro Je45rry , just to let you know that even if we don´t talk too much you guys are important to me. Thanks for everything and hope to see you soon!