Monday, November 28, 2011

Part 2. Secrets Agents :)

One day one penguin hears what herbert was talking about of destruing clubpenguin so he invented the secrets agents to stop herbert´s and klutzy´s plan , the next day the agent and followers were spying the acts and movements of klutzy and herbert so ther watch that herbert was installing a pump , so they stop herbert and klutzy of the bad acts they were planning , of course this story is not the nend because when the agents caugth herbert and klutzy , of course of the help of one greatest inventor his named is GARY , herberts was in jail but klutzy scaped :O so all the penguins alarmed think that klutzy in the future can recover Herbert and do the plan but this time they will destroy clubpenguin if the agents dont help us. But not worry all will be okay and more because now you can be an agent , passing a test that is very  easy (:

Postscript: I am not sure of all the story but is more less like that i HOPE you like it :D!!!

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